Genius IQ

Genius IQ can be built up and increase by using a few techniques. Here are some of the tips to "upgrade" your genius IQ. Have you ever thing that you can increase your genius IQ by using this method. And can get smarter as quick as you want.Here we go. You will love it. Increase your genius IQ by this...

Subliminals To Change Your Life

Subliminals is a short version of "subliminal messaging" which is a special and unique way of influencing people remotely. By remotely, we mean through the absence of human touch, coercion and conscious understanding.

Subliminals come in the form of statements and suggestions which are sent to the subconscious mind of the subject through means of advertising, pictures, songs, sounds, literature, speech and any other medium of communication you can think of. They are not consciously detected. For example, the suggestion, "I am brave" can be a subliminal one, if it is put on a TV screen for a 1/10th of a second because the viewer will be unable to consciously realise or read it, although it has been read by the subconscious mind. Getting the suggestion to the subconscious mind allows it to act upon it to make it true in the behaviour, attitude and reality of the person.

The uses of subliminals are varied, from helping people increase their intelligence and IQ, to improving memory, healing disease, improving sports performance, confidence, speech and so on.

Below you will find a few tips to begin using subliminal messages for yourself:

1. Identify your goal and objective.

For example, the wish to stop smoking, become more confident or to become a better speaker are three common goals.

2. Use subliminal CD's, pictures, videos or make affirmation cards.

You can get CD's from various places on the net. Pictures can be inspirational photos with captions on it. Videos generally need to be bought, and affirmations can be made by you yourself.

3. Use your subliminals on a regular and consistent basis.

Change occurs in a gradual and progressive way. The more consistent you become with using the subliminals, the more the changes will take place. This happens through the scale of progression. The less we practice, the lower we go on the scale to eventually end up back where we started originally.

4. Minimise stimuli in your life.

The less distractions and non-helpful stimuli which you have in your life, the less your brain has to work with to form a picture of your reality. This will therefore the importance of the subliminals in relation to other occurences and stimuli in your life. The changes will therefore take place much more readily and quicker. The overall objective here is to remove all stimuli which does not put you towards your goals because instead you will have only the experiences and stimuli which reinforce your goals, and allow you to progress upwards in realisation and mindset.

5. Review your changes often, preferaby on a fortnightly basis.

This will allow you to determine whether you are moving closer or further from your goals. It's important for you to "wake up" and realise where your life is heading. This process of waking up is what most people cannot do, so we need to turn it into a habit.

6. Keep a calm and open mind.

Almost everybody stresses the importance of keeping an open mind when using subliminal messages so as to allow them to slowly make changes for you in your life. However, there are only certain ways to do this properly. First, you must maintain a silent mind throughout your life. This comes from realising that you must trust your subconscious mind to do the hard work, and all you have to do is shut up and get on with your life, and move towards your goals. The subconscious mind will figure everything else out. You just need to get on with acting. You should not even question the subconscious mind. Our objective also should not be to be lost in our heads and thinking about new theories and ideas. Our objective should be to remain in action, and detach from the subconscious to allow it to fully take over our life. This is perhaps the most important point to make here, because when we allow the subconscious to take over, the changes which it has made can come to the fore.


Grab more genius IQ here The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

Grab more genius IQ here The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

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