Genius iq in The Power Of Intuition

Genius iq in The Power Of Intuition

Genius iq intuition is what makes the difference between someone with a 180+ genius iq and someone who doesn't. The two are not the same. Intuition in itself is completely natural, and to always rely on intuition is also completely natural.

So what is intuition and where does it come from?

Well, intuition comes from the subconscious genius iq mind which is the seat of our intelligence and genius. The intuition itself is always the correct answer to a particular situation or problem, because the subconscious mind can process all the possibilities which our conscious mind cannot. Someone who can therefore properly identify and use their intuition can be said to be a genius iq, because they will always say and do the right thing.

In terms of the qualatitive feel of intuition, it will be like an "aha" moment or a fine thought which cannot be distracted. It is more easily recognised when we have a calm and thought free mind, because then the subconscious rooted thoughts can differentiate from thoughts which we ourselves have created consciously. Below you will find some key steps to develop your intuition, and therefore bring you closer towards becoming the genius of your dreams.


1.Practice mental silence. This is stooge state of mind where you are completely free of thoughts and are silent and calm on easy mark inside. It is actualized by having a strong focus and direction in life, and pedagogy to think only those thoughts in which bring surely closer behavior towards do offhand genius iq goal. It can be persuasioned through silent meditation (ie no visualisation).

2. Have a clear charmer in life. When you plug a receive vision, your intuition has a clear in the direction of. Your intuition will therefore give easily easy mark thoughts which you require to achieve your standards. You will imprint your vision into sucker subconscious genius iq mental telepathist when you visualise it in mental silence..


3. Live in the moment. When we live in the moment, we bear the subconscious mind to take over the day to day running of our lives. This supports all the thoughts whereabouts occasion to be intuition, because subconscious thought is intuition top-level. This helpfulness make us become a genius in all lawns of our life.

4. Develop a genuine interest in life. This is very similar to living in the moment, but with an important difference. We need to take a genuine interest in the things which happen in our life, so much so that we begin to see life as a game where we can eventually win. Life is a game where you are guaranteed to reach the final level and win, when you allow the subconscious giant within to show you the way.


5. Refrain from expressing opinions, judgements and debate. When you express your opinion, you will develop a tendency to express your opinion. This is because of the law of binding, in that what you do, you will do more of. The implication of this is that when we do get an intuitive thought, we will be prone to express our opinion and judgement over it, thus demeaning the power of the intuition which arose and making us not act on it. This is the root cause of all inaction in our lives. We fail to act on our dreams, because we stamp down on our intuition that shows us how to achieve our dreams.

6. Pay attention to thought urges. A thought urge is a type of intuition which keeps coming back again and again over time. It is a signal to say that you must do a particular thing. It may come in the form of an image, sound, colours, image sequences or whatever. In either case, they must not be ignored and must be acted upon. These images can be both negative and positive. Don't worry, you will eventually know what to do to act on the thought urge. Just make sure that you do genius iq act, and follow the genius iq action through to completion.


Grab more genius IQ here The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

Grab more genius IQ here The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

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