Genius IQ Unconventional Ways To Boost Concentration

Genius IQ can be built up with easy or hard way,short or long term. Same like our body, our mind also the same that need to be healthy and strong. As I teach you in other page, ( you can check it out at my BLOG ARCHIVE ) here are some of the Genius IQ should be make.

Below you will find a few unconventional and mostly unknown ways to boost your concentration. This concentration boost is attitudinal based, meaning that the suggestions below will allow you to reach your concentration peak, subject to your actual IQ level. For example, if my actual IQ is 140 but i am scoring 125 in an IQ test, it may be due to lack of concentration due to some of the things below.

Increase Your Concentration Through Correct Body Movements

Here, i'm not just talking about exercise. Im talking about body posture and how we move and position our bodies. For example, if i were to sit in a chair and slouch over, i will find it more difficult to concentrate and come up with the right thoughts. However, if i sit up straight and adust my seat to be up straight, i will become much more alert, active and focused. This is a simple suggestion which can have dramatic effects on our ability to score high on IQ tests.

Also, if you are reading something, make sure you are not too far or too close to it, as it will affect your concentration ability. You need to be able to see enough of the material you are reading to get a proper grasp and smooth comprehension of it.

Increase Your Concentration Through Deep Breaths

Deep breathing will allow more oxygen to flood your brain cells. This oxygen allows your brain cells to generate more energy for mental work.

The greater effect however is that your mind can become relaxed and free of thoughts, so that true intelligence in intuition can take over. This means that you can remain free of emotional and belief bias for clarity of thought. The breathing span is actually directly proportional to the attention span, so that when we take a deep breath, our attention drops off, thus allowing us to maintain a thought free mind at will.

Increase Your Concentration Through Correct Eating

There are literally hundreds of ways to do this. Easy ways are to drink coffee and avoid sugary foods. Also get plenty of almonds and nuts for a temporary concentration boost.

It's also important that you don't eat too heavy or too light a meal when you require optimal concentration. A meal with fruit and veg, a staple and some lean meat would be a typical example of a standard meal. Don't double it with another portion of chips, king size burger and coke. Obviously this is a massive generalization so use your common sense and know how much food your body can handle before it over or under eats.


Grab more genius IQ here The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

Grab more genius IQ here The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

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