Three Simple Genius IQ Mind Control Tricks to Persuade Anybody

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What granted are mind control tricks? Vigorous, these are ways you can help persuade, convince and get people to think a certain genius iq way by using capricious movements or saying certain words.

Don ' t be misconstrued though. Genius iq Mind control tricks don ' t have subject to do with sorcery although they produce astonishing impact. These can be used to further advance your interests in bag or in your personal life. If you want to recognize some of these techniques, study on!

Mind Control Tricks # 1: Reverse Psychology

Reverse psychology is one of the oldest genius iq mind control techniques in the book. You can use it practically in part latitude.

Reverse psychology means saying or intimacy something contrary to what you really want to happen, and ergo waiting for the other person to take the bait and oppose you, consequently making them say or do exactly what you want to.

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Mind Control Tricks # 2: Call A Friend

If you want to persuade someone to do something or agree to your idea, you can always call a friend or someone who ' s more credible to support you.

People are programmed to think that popular opinion is more or less the right opinion. So if you want your friend to join you on an activity and they ' re a little hesitant, you can get other friends to back you up.

Mind Control Tricks # 3: Always Be A Genius IQ Positive

People tend to react negatively when you use negative words like " cannot " or " do not. " In order to subtly persuade people to see things your way, focus on the more positive points of your case and use more words like " can. " In this day and age, people want to hear more positive things.

Mind control tricks are not at all unethical and people who use them aren ' t immoral. They just know the way that the genius iq mind works and use this knowledge to the best of their advantage.

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