How Does A Simple IQ Test Measure The Complex Peoples Intelligence? part 1

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Intelligence is a little understood concept like love. While we all know intuitively if a person is intelligent or not, yet it is very difficult to define intelligence in precise words. A distinguished panel of experts defined intelligence as the individual's ability to understand complex ideas, to adapt effectively to the environment, to learn from experience, to engage in various forms of reasoning to overcome obstacles by careful thoughts.

However, most of the experts have their own definition of intelligence. Goleman, one of the international experts on "Emotional Intelligence", believes that intelligence means how successful a person would be in school and in various kind of jobs, or how will they get along with others. Yet, it is impossible to measure such ability in a person as it is hard to measure how one would get along with others. Still some people consider that emotional intelligence is most important for the success of the person. It is said "A high IQ makes a person good managers while a high EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient) makes a person good person in charge".

The quest for the true meaning of intelligence led Gardner to bring to a close that Intelligence is not a unitary mannerism. He concluded that man have manifold intelligences (MI). He identified as many as eight intelligence viz. Linguistic (syntax, phonology, semantics, pragmatics); Musical (pitch, rhythm, timbre), Logical (Mathematical number, categorization, relations); Spatial (accurate mental visualization, mental transformation of images); Physically (kinesthetic control of one's own body, control in handling objects); Interpersonal ( awareness of others' feelings, emotions, goals, motivations); Intra-personal (awareness of one's own feelings, emotions, goals, motivations) and Naturalist( recognition and classification of objects in the environment).

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Stenberg's gave another theory of multi-intelligence which he called "Triarchich theory of intelligence" where he divided the intelligence into three categories i.e. analytical (or componential); experimental or creative intelligence and practical intelligence.

Thus even after centuries of research, we have yet to arrive at the common definition of intelligence. When we don't have even a common definition of intelligence, what is the relevance of the Genius IQ tests which are so popular in all countries that a common man identifies intelligence with IQ test score?

The Genius IQ Test

Despite of the existence of numerous definitions of intelligence, there is only one common method to measure intelligence that is accepted worldwide viz. Intelligent Quotient (IQ) test. It is also called "Binet and Simon Test" that was published in 1905. This test has withstood the test of time even after a century. The IQ test continues to be the only universally acknowledged method of measuring human intelligence.

IQ tests do not measure the total intelligence of a person but they measure the person's intelligence in respect of the other person. The average IQ score is taken as 100. The higher than 100 score indicates that he person is extra intelligent than the average person and less than 100 score indicate below average intelligence.

These IQ tests have become exceedingly popular over the years and almost universally applied for selection of the graduates and postgraduate students by the examinations like SAT or GRE. In most of the countries related tests are conducted for college and university admissions. Even for selection of the candidates for jobs, often the IQ score is the quickest and most important decisive factor for selection.

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