Do You Know What Is EQ? | Why You Should Care?

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EQ is the acronym for Emotional Intelligence. So not only do you and I suffer an IQ (Intelligence Quotient), we also have emotional intelligence. Emotional aptitude is not about traditional intelligence. It is about our ability to handle ourselves and others. It is all about our ability to get along with others and build relationships.

The concept of EQ became popularized by Daniel Goleman in 1995. His book (also called Emotional Intelligence), helped us to understand that it is not clearly technical and analytical abilities that make a winning leader. IQ is not the only predictor of your success, a high IQ is not a guarantee of run success. You do need your technical abilities, your competencies at a specific skill or through a specific subject matter, but to thrive you need your ability to get along with other people. The most successful leaders too suffer a high degree of emotional intelligence. And here is the great news; EQ (unlike IQ) can be developed.

Emotional intelligence: "The ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate with them and to use the present guidelines to guide one's thinking and action." - Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer.

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"The abilities to recognize and regulate emotions in ourselves and others" - Daniel Goleman and Gary Cherniss.

What instigates up EQ? There are five components:

Self-Awareness - A person who is self-aware understands such a own moods and emotions and also how people moods and emotions may total impact to others.

Self-Regulation - Someone who exhibits self-regulation thinks before they act. Remember that person you worked for? The one who used to get red in the face, yell and scream and slap notebooks around the room? They got not exhibiting self-regulation at all.

Motivation - If you love to work and it is not just for funds or for status; if you get a strong drive to achieve; its absolutely you would know about motivation.

Empathy - The empathetic precise is able to know the emotions of others and also learns to treat them as they wish to be treated.

Social Skill - Do you can identify someone who is able to equate new customers and immediately develop a rapport with them? It is perhaps that properties are very accomplished in the sector of social skill.

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