Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
The measurement of our cognitive brains is labeled our Intelligence Quotient -- or, our "IQ." An IQ score reflects an individual's general ability to performing intellectual tasks fancy math problems. Irrespective of what your IQ is, know that you're smart enough to do anything you want simply by tapping to your CQ.
But, how committed are you when it comes to achieving?
What's your CQ?
Your CQ is what I refer to as our "Commitment Quotient." By definition, it is your measured resolve to do what you set out to do. It illustrates your ability to begin and follow through with a specific plan or objective. In short, CQ is the intelligence that inspires your achievement.
Your CQ is the most unsophisticated -- yet accurate -- quantitative assessment of your daily performance. In the simplest of terms, your CQ measures by percentage, how committed you are to achieving.
But, don't let the simplicity take you away based on information from the objectivity: To achieve how you set out to achieve, da sustain your top CQ.
It is sizeable to monitor your CQ on a slow but sure basis. Should you notice a slow down in your "commitment level," right away respond before a lack of focus and positive power sabotages your efforts.
Whether you can do something or not is seldom an issue if you are committed to your right outcome. You see, how you can do, and how you do not do, is totally contingent upon your level of commitment. Now, if you want to consistently head out at a "high CQ," you need a solid "motive for action," or, motivation!
Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
One of the a large number of effective ways to stay motivated is to write dwindled all the reasons which compel you to keep moving passionately and purposefully towards your goal. Strong reasons initiate a powerful internal urge which moves you to take action regardless of what's in front of you. People seldom carry on committed unless properties have reasons to carry on committed. Strong reasons boost keep you 100% committed when you technique a ambition or task.
The degree of your commitment you are is directly proportional to how significantly you readily achieve. How much you readily get done is directly proportional to purpose-filled and powerful actions you take on a daily basis. One of the best ways to keep up a "high CQ" is for the duration of the utilization of a daily powerful plan of action. Do you intelligently plan to do Times and properties actually get done? Or, are the goals and expectations you own of yourself blurry, and every minute doesn't matter.
What's your CQ? How committed are you to achieving everything you like in your genius iq life?
60%, 70% ...
Be 100% committed. You'll transform your life and get to where you desire to be, experience and do faster than you ever imagined. Think virtually it, when you are 100% committed, you can get done almost anything!
Extraordinary achievement is not contingent upon an extraordinary intellect. Extraordinary achievers are just now ordinary people who are committed in how they do. Extraordinary achievers have a 100% CQ.
Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

The Complete Guide To Genius IQ
Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ Genius IQ
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