Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
What is a good genius IQ score? Don't answer it now. This is one of the most common question one asks, truly after finding out this score on a test.
There are different kinds of tests provided every holding their own scale. Hence two people having the same score on numerous scales can not necessarily have the same intelligence level. However all tests and scales use 100 as the genius IQ of a person of average intelligence.
Since the average score is said to be 100, thus anything above 100 is considered as above average and below 100 as below average. Any score below 70 is taken as that of mentally challenged person. Score above 140 is generally considered as that of a genius iq.
We already know that IQ = Mental Age/Chronological Age X 100
Hence, the normal or average score is 100, that suggests that the mental and chronological ages coincide.
It is true the present modern intelligence tests now apply statistical resources to produce a score reflecting one's performance compared to the median performance of his peers. However, the standard or average score will always remain 100.
Let us see why is this happened?
When we plot a sample of the population's scores on an genius iq against percentage chart, it is observed overly the populace distribution on the genius iq balance forms a symmetrical bell-shaped curve. This is known as the "IQ Scale Bell-Curve". It reveals so on a balance of 60 to 100, the large amount of of consumers with those scores increases and maximum people touch the 100 mark. Then, as the scale increases for 100, the pay of people with folks ratings starts reducing in proportion to the implement of the curve. A very small portion of the population reaches over 140.
From this chart, it can be hence concluded that a normal score is by and large considered to be around the 100 mark.
The scores are thus calculated on a scale of 0 to 200. A person scoring zero would be literally brain dead, while a score of 200 would mean that the person is probably the finest old customer alive on the earth.
Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
Since the first genius iq test was grown by Alfred Binet and Theophile Simon and their genius iq was classified on Simon-Binet balance which was later amended by Lewis Terman into Stanford-Binet scale, presently is the most popularly exhausted balance till date and all other modern scales also revolves around it.
According to Standford-Binet scale:
* Over 140 - Genius iqor almost genius iq
* 120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence
* 110 - 119 - Superior intelligence
* 90 - 109 - Average or normal intelligence
* 80 - 89 - Dullness
* 70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency in intelligence
* Under 70 - Feeble-mindedness
Apart from the Standford Binet-Scale, another scale popularly expended is the Wechsler scale. According to this scale:
* Over 130 - Very superior
* 120 - 129 - Superior
* 110 - 119 - High average
* 90 - 109 - Average
* 80 - 89 - Low average
* 70 - 79 - Borderline
* Under 70 - Extremely low/intellectually deficient
Besides, these two scales that use a standard deviation of 15, another scale in popular use is the Cattell's balance which uses a standard deviation of 24. According to Cattell's scale:
* Over 160 - Genius Level
* 140 - 159 - Highly Intelligent
* 120 - 139 - Above Average
* 100 - 119 - Average
* 90 - 99 - Below Average
Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
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The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

The Complete Guide To Genius IQ
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