Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
If you have been taking a look at my last few articles then you know about the Genius Project. You'll also remember that your ability to do 5th Level of performance (Genius IQ Level) you must rely on your natural talents and be authentic to yourself. This post addresses the thought processes on how geniuses view themselves and such an abilities.
Here's another way to look at it. To imagine overly you - at your very center - look for to fix yourself requires the presupposition that you must be broken, and the implies that God screwed up. I mean feel free to substitute whatever spiritual belief you have, but it likely doesn't change the concept. Think around it. If you believe that at your very middle such a the way you got made is insufficient to pull off genius iq success, then you have to admit this you view yourself as flawed, or at best incomplete.
Now I'm not talking here about developing new acquired talents, pretty a belief that "I need fixing". Acquiring new knowledge and encounters is great. That's a prerequisite for anyone's success and somewhat all 5th level performers (Geniuses) constantly do by the way. But when you attempt to fix who you are in its place of fixing how you are, then you have got to earliest imagine who you are is insufficient. And if you think that then you can't prevent the question, "Who screwed up?"
If you difficulty to fix anything, it is the way you ask you - not you!
In fact it's not how you are at your exceptionally core that needs work, but how you apply yourself which needs fixing. God created you for a purpose and you have a completely unique and incredibly powerful set of natural talents for that purpose, so it is not how raw materials you have to struggle with that you plans to be uneasy with - because the geniuses we studied aren't. What you serves to be focused on is how you apply individuals raw materials.
Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
Geniuses can appreciate this. They don't view the set of talents as flawed; rather any flaws they see come in how they apply those talents. Because of this radically different perspective on themselves, when properties focus on correcting flaws, those flaws are in their application of themselves, not themselves. In further words, properties achieve tremendous leaps in performance by adjusting their environment (what properties do or how properties do it) not themselves. They do not change such a talents; they change how individuals talents are applied.
Give yourself up to your inner genius iq and allow that which is you - as you were came up with - to do what it does best. Remember, regardless of whatever even better power you are sure in, if you assume the such a higher power is infinitely more powerful and knowing then you, you have to ask yourself, "did that power know how it was working at when it produced me?"
If you answer yes, then you can't blame your God for construction you incorrectly? If you nonetheless guess with me then any mistakes in your genius iq life are not, cannot be, in you, but in the application of you. In other words, God created you, but you decide what to do in yourself. If a problem are it's not with the thing God created, but how you apply it.
I say all of presently because there is a massive difference between underlying thought you are broken and realizing that you are just not well aligned. The former is a race car with a blown engine too should be fully rebuilt (broken). The latter is a perfectly good Ferrari making an attempt to race in an off-road rally (not well aligned).
Genius iq success in not about developing talent - it is about aligning it.
Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

The Complete Guide To Genius IQ
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