Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
The electric consciousness of the genius iq brain is a hotly debated topic amongst neuroscientists. But as the beautiful naked woman smiled seductively and beckoned him with her finger, David had no doubts in his own mind as to its reality. The electrodes stuck to his scalp were measuring changes in his brainwaves as he listened to a brain entrainment audio track and his mind began generating vivid imagery. The seductress was a figment of his own imagination but to his body and genius iq brain she was real enough.
David considered that the electroencephalography (EEG) equipment attached to his make every effort was measuring fluctuations in the electrical activity produced by his brain. These fluctuations or brainwaves formed a glowing electromagnetic electricity field approximately the brain. The theory of electric consciousness suggested the current was the carrier of consciousness itself. This 'aura' was at which he experienced his sense of self. This was where he experienced life and the sense of making alive. He had always attention it was 'weird' the present his genius iq mind didn't seem to fit inside his head!
With his eyes still firmly closed, David silently and slowly counted backwards and downwards from 10-to-zero as he had been instructed to do.
10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0... relaxing deeper and deeper amidst most any number, he was soon deeply entranced.
The sounds of a stream bubbling and burbling over rocks played through his ear phones. He was unable to hear the entrainment frequencies embedded into the audio tracks, but his brain was responding to them. That was evident from the EEG readout. His brainwaves were being directed by the track, made to correspond to definite frequencies associated in paranormal abilities, or heightened creativity, even with genius sum insights and breakthroughs.
Of course, David had heard all this before from less scientific sources. His parents got Theosophists and he had read over multiple of their books that talked about the human aura. There got all kinds of esoteric rituals and practices programmed to get an initiate into the right mindset to experience exalted states of consciousness. But these kinds of rituals were often closely guarded secrets or frightfully hard to practice and uphold in order to do consistent results.
Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
In his deeply relaxed and peaceful state of genius iq mind, David suddenly realised something. He could see such a he was pursuing his interest in neuroscience as a way of getting to experience these changed states of consciousness without needing to seek out a guru and live a limited, inconvenient lifestyle. That wasn't for him.
Like David, you can discover the genius iq secrets of your electric consciousness, paying off a whole range of mind tools. Neuroscientists are finding out more and a larger amount of right about the genius iq brain. New technologies make it easier for interested parties to explore the depths of their own consciousness in ways so own never been impending before. You do not have to trot off to the Himalayas and gobble rice additonally kow-towing to a guru. You can scientifically explore your own genius iq mind.
Using equipment covet EEG, neuroscientists have mapped the human brain. They have essentially taken the brain blueprints of the best genius iq minds. So let's say that they wire up several geniuses brains, and get them to go through some of this calculations, or artistic creative processes. This gives them a snapshot of the brainwave activity of those geniuses. This snapshot is fancy a template of how to figure like a genius. With other technologies as brainwave entrainment, they can 'transplant' the genius brainwave template onto your brain. This is covet a temporary graft.
They could design a brainwave entrainment track which carries the specific brainwave frequencies of genius iq. While you are listening to the brain entrainment audio for example, the track indicates your brainwaves to replicate those of the geniuses. With repeated use, your genius iq brain adopts this new frequency template as a habitual way of thinking.
Since David has been experimenting with electric consciousness, he has noticed his productivity has rocketed. He says he is far supplementary intuitive, having an uncanny 'read' on occurreneces before properties happen. And his creativity has taken off, notably in his writing, seeing three books done within the space of a year. And his own spiritual experience, aided by these neuroscience-based explorations, has led him to have amazing experiences the as astral travel and minutes of broad unified consciousness.
The era of the electric consciousness is upon us. And we are on the frontiers of miraculous self-discovery which will allow us manifest all kinds of extraordinary skills and abilities formally thought of as genius iq magical.
Genius IQ --------------------------------------------Genius IQ
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The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

The Complete Guide To Genius IQ
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