Genius IQ Baby

Genius IQ should be build since a baby. In a baby growing up. they learning in everything they did. At the early time, they are crying to get anything they want. If they hungry they cry. If they feel thirsty they cry. If they feel uncomfortable they cry. They knew what ever they need or want, what they had to do is just start crying...And you know what...they are learning by that action....crying...And they are building the basic genius iq....

When the baby grew to a children stage,normally they dont remember what they did at the baby time. Do you..? But they are still keep on learning and learning and their mind grew up very fast a hundred times compare an adults. Its a many techniques to teah your children become a genius iq by train them with trying to save their memories.

Eve of Mind at Mitchelstown

The best way, hands down to improve your child's genius iq memory is with memory strategies. The most popular and effective are mnemonics. Why? They take advantage of your child's natural abilities and their natural tendency to play and have fun. Mnemonics consist of creating rhymes, associations, connections between the new information and something already in long term memory.

The fact that your child can use their own genius iq imagination and their own style make it the perfect way to bring the material to life. Just remember, mnemonics don't have to be forever. They are needed until the information moves into long term memory. Then, it fades away. But until that moment comes, those mnemonics are like your best friend!

Another way to use the principle of association is for long lists of objects or items. It makes no difference what type of list it is: - Concrete items - balloon, shoe, tree, bottle, lollipop - Abstract items - Alabama, Alaska, Arizona The steps to follow will be the same.

You want to create a story that links each item on the list to the next. The story needs to be wacky and zany because your brain is a lot like a little kid. It really pays attention when things get goofy! Let's see how this process works with concrete items. I'm going to use a short list here to demonstrate. Naturally, this method can be expanded to include as many items as you need. I want to remember balloon, shoe, tree, bottle and lollipop.

I start with balloon. I picture (remember... crazy images, with details!) a big red balloon, the size of you, that is tied to a shoe. It's one of those clown shoes, really big. The shoe is next to a tree that has bottles hanging from its branches. And attached to the bottom of all the bottles are lollipops. Bright blue, with smiley faces, with the wrapper still on them.

Now you have a short story that you can remember to recall all the items on your genius iq list. There is more to the technique that can make it come alive and stay in long term memory forever but I think you get the point. Trying to get your child involved with stories is a great idea for helping them become stronger genius iq "memorizers."


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