Genius IQ in Eleven Unique And Fun Techniques To Increase Your Intelligence Into The Stratosphere

How are you today genius iq guys? Are you having a good week? For sure you are doing a better thing in better genius iq live. Its a genius..I'm really happy today because i see that you are serious about increasing your intelligence and achieving your genius iq dreams!!! So to prove my commitment to you genius iq guys, I want to recap and make sure that you remember everything we've learned so far over the last week or so.

You see, whether you want to achieve a Genius IQ of 130, 160 or 190, our guide contains over ELEVEN unique and fun techniques to increase your intelligence into the stratosphere, coupled with dozens of facts, tips and lessons to make sure that your intelligence INCREASES and STAYS HIGH. Follow me - let your mind be free

******The lessons we have taught you so far are HUGE SECRETS which are developed fully in our guide. The lessons are as follows:********

1. Our concentration span is between 4-11 seconds in length. Minor changes in conc entration span have drastic effects on intelligence.

2. The technique of Pseudo Telekinesis manipulates the concentration span, to lead to an IQ increase of between 5-15 points.

3. Thoughts are received from the subconscious. Thoughts are never made.

4. Accelerating the process of receiving the thoughts from the subconscious will increase your intelligence. This acceleration is the fundamental secret to the 180+ IQ.

5. It is a dominant strategy to be as smart and as intelligent as possible. If we have low intelligence, we run the great risk of not achieving our genius iq goals in life.

I've already taught you how to increase your intelligence by 5-15 IQ points so let me know how this is working.

If you have already decided to achieve your dreams but don't know how to start, there are several ways you can take the first steps:

A. You can order "The Complete Guide To Genius IQ" and get everything you need to become a genius, achieve your dreams and live the life you desire, whilst you still have the time.

B. You can read the Articles Database to get a small impression and taster into the research gone into "The Complete Guide To Genius". This will help you grasp the minor ways to increase your intelligence and become a genius iq .

C. You can continue to read these articles.

If you take the first step in getting the guide, the whole roadmap to genius iq will be shown to you, through the simple, step-by-step techniques. It will be like a new awakening, as if you had been asleep all your life and had just realised how much you had been missing.

Live Your Genius IQ Dreams...


Grab more genius IQ here The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

Dr.Genius IQ

1) Complete Guide To Genius IQ
2) Instant Speed Learning

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