Genius IQ In The Complete Guide

Genius iq guys out there still continue my article here. Thanks for opening my site. Its been just over a month...yep thats right...A MONTH since you reading upthis valuable genius iq article to hear about my intelligence increasing program. And boy doesn't time just fly by!!!

But the fact that you are still here is evidence of your genius iq genuine curiosity, open-mindedness and patience. So thank you. Because if it wasn't for YOUR ambition and drive to move yourself upwards and allow the genius iq within you to manifest, then none of this would be possible and our knowledge will have gone to dust.

So thank you once again for being a valued readers to this site, and i hope this relationship can continue to grow and prosper throughout your genius iq life. Whether you want to be a famous inventor, scientist, pioneer or genius of any kind, know for a fact that you can do it when you apply the knowledge which you have here.

As a gesture of thanks, today i want to re-cap in summary, everything we have learned so far about becomin g a genius and increasing IQ and intelligence.

Lessons we have learned

1. It is our duty to become as intelligent as possible. We risk losing our genius iq goals and dreams if we do not take the steps to improve our own genius iq mind.

2. Creating a 180+ IQ and genius intelligence rests on the subconscious mind. Increasing our link with the subconscious mind will allow genius and a high IQ to come to us. Genius is not created by us directly.

3. We can increase our link with the subconscious mind in several ways. These are namely:

a. Accelerating the process of thought receivership. This allows more thoughts to come to us.

b. Specializing the process of thought receivership. This allows the right thoughts and ideas to come to us. (A. and B. are the 180+ IQ secret taught in "The Complete Guide To Genius IQ")

cResolute focus and mental silence allows the conscious mind to quieten down, to allow the subconscious genius to take over. (strengthened through Pseudo Telekinesis)

d. Removing erronous beliefs will allow the right thoughts and ideas to pass through to you.

e Living in the moment allows the right thoughts and ideas to be recognised by you to be used, as you have detached from the incorrect thinking of past failures, limitations etc

f. When intelligence increases rapidly, it is important to take additional brain boosting supplements to make sure the mental processes recover in time for the next training session. It also makes sure your intelligence stays high.

gThe GeniusIntelligence Brain Harmonics IQ Increaser Audio will get your IQ up to 160 passively.

h. The Complete Guide To Genius IQ is the only guide in the history of the universe which teaches you everything you need to know to increase your intelligence and be a genius iq person. Your IQ should increase by AT LEAST 20-30 points in 3 months of use of our program, not to mention the other benefits including enhanced memory, concentration, creativity, insight, focus etc... etc

Head Your Mind

Now that is a lot of material to get your head round. You need to be systematic to get your Genius IQ up quickly. I say quickly, because time is running out. My question to you is how much longer are you going to beat around the bush and expect your life to change automatically?

Why expect it to change? Who told you its going to change?

You know, the fact is that your life is NOT going to change UNLESS you first DECIDE TO GET YOUR FOOT OUT AND GET A MOVE ON to achieve your genius iq goals. You are the one that controls your life, and only YOU can say whether you have what it takes to see your genius iq dreams through. Don't procrastinate and don't be lazy. Instead, be empowered, be passionate and be driven to CHANGE YOUR LIFE and LIVE THE LIFE YOU DESIRE.

And nobody, and i mean NOBODY, has an ATOM of evidence to say you can't achieve your goals because THE GENIUS INTELLIGENCE which lies within AND KNOWS THE RIGHT ANSWER is telling you that YOU CAN DO IT guys !!

So focus your attention on the subconscious GENIUS INTELLIGENCE which lies WITHIN. It is right here, and it is within you. Can you feel its power? Do you know its power?

Because its power is lying there supreme like a great stalker of those that have dreamed and had dreams of GENIUS and AMBITION. It wants you, because it wants to be expessed through you!!

So my final point for the day would be, if you have yet to ACT and TAKE THE FIRST STEP to genius intelligence, then you're wasting your time. You need to get acting now. Only you know what is the first step to take. The genius is in you, why should i tell you what to do?

***Without taking this action, you risk living a life of low intelligence. You risk losing your goals and your dreams, and going to your grave having achieved a life of mediocrity. We must act now to save our dreams.***

The Complete Guide To Genius IQ will allow you to make intelligence gains on a month by month basis. It is the only guide in the universe which teaches you all the techniques to increase your intelligence, and to use that intelligence to become a genius iq of monstrous proportions.

Thanks for your time and good luck in becoming a genius iq person in this genius world..


Grab more genius IQ here The Complete Guide To Genius IQ

Dr.Genius IQ

1) Complete Guide To Genius IQ
2) Instant Speed Learning

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