Affirmations For Writers - Enhance Your Genius IQ Creativity and Your Income

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Have you discovered the benefits of affirmations for your writing calling? Copious successful writers use genius iq affirmations. If you ' re not using them, you ' re missing out on a super - simple way of coming your full probable as a genius iq writer.

Sequentially affirmations are INSPIRING self - talk - - they ' re what you pronounce to yourself to offset destitute self - talk. We all have unsuccessful self - talk running through our brains.

Ill-fated self - talk is the old tapes you play in your head, whenever they ' re triggered by something which happens. Legion unprosperous self - talk tapes are recorded in puberty. Perhaps you reduced a plate, and your enervated mom uttered: " You ' re so clumsy! " Or you failed a appraisal, and decided that you couldn ' t spell, or do maths, or compose.

In teens, before the age of eight, you spent a lot of time in the alpha mind state. This is mind state in which you ' re highly suggestible, and lots of afflicted mind tapes are recorded therefrom.

If you were aware of your wretched self - talk, you could counterbalance it, but these old tapes play briskly, below the in line of your conscious awareness.

You ' ve got thousands of these old tapes waiting to be triggered. One of the biggest benefits of using affirmations is that you grow into aware of these old tapes, and once they ' re conscious, they lose any power they ' ve had to affect your behavior or feelings.

For example, let ' s say you created an affirmation: " Writing is now easy and fun for me. " You write this affirmation five times.

Here ' s what happens: your old tapes start to play, loudly.

Write down what these old tapes say - - you ' ll need to write quickly, you ' ve probably got many tapes which say things like: " Writing is hard, I ' ve never been good at writing "; " I can ' t write "; " Nothing I write is good or worthwhile, so it ' s a waste of time trying. "

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This is excellent - - write down as many of these old tapes as you can, because now you know what they are, they can ' t hurt you.

Affirmations Help You to Change Your Belief System

Affirmations help you to change disabling beliefs - - those beliefs you ' re not aware that you hold.

Here ' s how to create your own empowering affirmations: create them from your genius iq mind tapes. Just switch the old tapes from negative statements to positive ones.

For example:

* Writing is hard, I ' ve never been good at writing BECOMES: " Writing is easy and fun for me, I ' ve always been great at writing ";

* I can ' t write BECOMES: " I write easily and effortlessly, I ' m an excellent writer. "

Try it. Affirmations enhance your creativity and your income. Why walk around with old, damaging self - talk? Start changing your self - talk today, with the power of genius iq affirmations.

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